Simple Really.
Decide if you're needing a Home or Condominium and what you can afford on a monthly basis.
Rent To Own can be a solid option for the right person. While less affordable than conventional financing, perhaps it makes sense for you instead of spending money every month on rent.
If you have a deposit we will apply that towards the monthly cost of your home. You need to keep in mind that most Rent To Owncontracts start at $1800/mth + utilities, average out at about $2800/mth + utilities, and could go as high as $3500/mth + utilities depending on the type of home you qualify for.
Rent To Own is more expensive than renting, but allows you the benefit of living in the home you will own - now.
Payments start at $1800/month + Utils. and Rent To Own and can be as high as $3500/month + Utils or more, depending on if and how you qualify.
Own a home? Let's talk options.
If you have good income but have been turned down or don't think you'll qualify, reach out today.
HomeStreet Inc. does not provide mortgage or financing and makes no representation of such. HomeStreet Inc. attempts to offer solutions to individuals that do not qualify for conventional financing through its affiliations with other organizations that do offer financing. HomeStreet Inc. is not a service that can assist everyone, all individuals qualify independantly of one another. HomeStreet Inc. works with rentals and option rentals such as rent to own in Winnipeg and surrounding areas in Manitoba.